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We have uploaded eSV pumps with Omega motors     -       We have uploaded spare parts lists of the most sold customized pumps (eSV,eHM,eNSC,eSH,..) in the last 5 years  -    Spares for old SV30-60 series are no longer available without alternative items   -   Spares for old HT,CN series are no longer available without alternative items
Item code
Product description

Item codeDescriptionFrequencyTypeFamily  
002110800**FLUSSIM. Z6-3000 DN40 Q40 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmetersButton
002110801**FLUSSIM. Z6-3100 DN50 Q65 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmetersButton
002110802**FLUSSIM. Z6-3200 DN65 Q100 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmetersButton
002110803**FLUSSIM. Z6-3300 DN80 Q130 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmetersButton
002110804**FLUSSIM. Z6-3400 DN100 Q250 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmetersButton
002110805**FLUSSIM. Z6-3500 DN125 Q420 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmetersButton
002110806*FLUSSIM. Z6-3600 DN150 Q580 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmetersButton
002110807**FLUSSIM. Z6-3800 DN200 Q100050HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmetersButton
002110808**FLUSSIM. Z6-4000 DN250 Q158050HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmetersButton
002110825*FLUSSIM.V6-2800 DN25 Q25 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmetersButton
002110826*FLUSSIM.V6-2900 DN32 Q40 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmetersButton
002110827*FLUSSIM.V6-3000 DN40 Q55 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmetersButton
002110828*FLUSSIM.V6-3100 DN50 Q85 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmetersButton
002110829*FLUSSIM.V6-3200 DN65 Q145 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmetersButton
002110830*FLUSSIM.V6-3300 DN80 Q250 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmetersButton
002111161FLUS FBB D40P16 3,5-25 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmeters<img src='Pictures/acrobat_white.png' alt='Button' border='0'/>
002111162FLUS FBB D40P16 6-40 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmeters<img src='Pictures/acrobat_white.png' alt='Button' border='0'/>
002111163FLUS FBB D40P16 8-55 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmeters<img src='Pictures/acrobat_white.png' alt='Button' border='0'/>
002111164FLUS FBB D50P16 7-50 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmeters<img src='Pictures/acrobat_white.png' alt='Button' border='0'/>
002111165FLUS FBB D50P16 9-65 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmeters<img src='Pictures/acrobat_white.png' alt='Button' border='0'/>
002111166FLUS FBB D50P16 14-90 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmeters<img src='Pictures/acrobat_white.png' alt='Button' border='0'/>
002111167FLUS FBB D65P16 10-80 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmeters<img src='Pictures/acrobat_white.png' alt='Button' border='0'/>
002111168FLUS FBB D65P16 15-100 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmeters<img src='Pictures/acrobat_white.png' alt='Button' border='0'/>
002111169FLUS FBB D65P16 20-140 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmeters<img src='Pictures/acrobat_white.png' alt='Button' border='0'/>
002111170FLUS FBB D80P16 17,5-130 50HzAccessories treatment and othersFlowmeters<img src='Pictures/acrobat_white.png' alt='Button' border='0'/>
Item code: 002110800
Item description: **FLUSSIM. Z6-3000 DN40 Q40
Note: Obsolete product
Type: Accessories treatment and others
Family: Flowmeters
Sold from 5/1/2007 to 9/1/2021